Welcome to Our Tasting Studio with Free Wine Tasting


新年快樂! Vynluna Wines 祝您2023 年事業興旺、身體健康。

我們很高興地宣布位於中環的品酒室將於 1 月 16 日(星期一)正式開幕。 這品酒室將成為我們舉辦主題品酒活動、分享我們葡萄酒工匠的心血結晶的空間,也是您能選購我們的精選葡萄酒的地方。

為慶祝今次開幕,我們想邀請您到來品嚐精選的四款小農香檳、一款白酒和一款紅酒。 我們的總經理何德信非常期待與您傾飲酒經,同時介紹更多我們即將舉辦的活動和精選的手工葡萄酒。 希望您可以在這𥚃找到慶祝農曆新年的合心意禮物!

今次開幕品酒活動免費入場,將於 1 月 16 日至 18 日舉行,時間為下午1時至9時。 您可以在當天前來參與,但為了能提供一個更好的體驗,如果您能在 1 月 15 日或之前回覆至 sales@vynluna.com,並附上姓名、來賓人數以及您預計的到訪日期和時間,我們將不勝感激。


Vynluna Wines Team

Dear Wine Lovers,

Happy New Year! From all of us at Vynluna Wines, we wish you a prosperous and healthy 2023.

We are excited to announce the opening of our Tasting Studio in Central on Monday 16 January. This will serve as a space for us to host themed wine tasting events, to share bottles from our artisan producers, and a place for you to browse through some of our eclectic selection of wines.

To celebrate the occasion, we would like to invite you, our fellow wine lovers, to taste a selection of four grower Champagne, one white wine, and one red wine. Our General Manager, Dason Ho, will be welcoming you to discuss the wines and any questions you may have about our upcoming events and our artisan producers. Who knows, you may even find something you like for your Chinese New Year celebrations!

This event is free of charge, and will be running from 16-18 January, from 1pm to 9pm. You are free to pop in on the day, but in order for us to provide a better experience, we would appreciate it if you could RSVP to sales@vynluna.com by 15 January with name, number of guests, and your anticipated visiting date and time slot.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

With gratitude,

Vynluna Wines Team

Charlotte Wong